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Ambisjonen vår er at alle skal kunne skape et rom de vil trives i ved hjelp av fine tapeter på veggene. Derfor selger vi tapet fra de mest kjente varemerkene, og det med en prisgaranti, som betyr at om du mot formodning skulle finne tapeten til en lavere pris et annet sted matcher vi prisen. Dersom du er usikker på hvilken veggtapet som skulle passe i rommet ditt, kan du bestille prøver. På den måten kan du enkelt teste ulike tapeter hjemme hos deg selv før du bestemmer deg for hvilken som passer best. Hos oss finner du tapet fra de mest kjente og klassiske varemerkene til de mer unike og vågale. Dersom du trenger tips og råd når du skal velge tapet, kan du alltid finne mye informasjon på bloggen vår. Du er selvsagt velkommen til å kontakte kundeservice, der er vi alltid klare til å hjelpe deg.

Picture of Steel Grey - 4659 Picture of Steel Grey - 4659
Steel Grey
Engblad & Co

377 NOK

Picture of Box - 1814 Picture of Box - 1814
Engblad & Co

210 NOK 699 NOK

Picture of Narrow Ticking Stripe Silver/Ivory - FG067-J79 Picture of Narrow Ticking Stripe Silver/Ivory - FG067-J79
Narrow Ticking Stripe Silver/Ivory
Mulberry Home

1885 NOK

Picture of Flying Ducks Silver/Taupe - FG066J80 Picture of Flying Ducks Silver/Taupe - FG066J80
Flying Ducks Silver/Taupe
Mulberry Home

3295 NOK

Picture of Flying Ducks Sky/Moss - FG066H22 Picture of Flying Ducks Sky/Moss - FG066H22
Flying Ducks Sky/Moss
Mulberry Home

3295 NOK

Picture of Family Silver Stone/Old Gold - FG058T42 Picture of Family Silver Stone/Old Gold - FG058T42
Family Silver Stone/Old Gold
Mulberry Home

2945 NOK

Picture of Marquise Damask Flock Gold/Plum - FG057-T49 Picture of Marquise Damask Flock Gold/Plum - FG057-T49
Marquise Damask Flock Gold/Plum
Mulberry Home

3180 NOK

Picture of Marquise Damask Mole/Pewter - FG056-A128 Picture of Marquise Damask Mole/Pewter - FG056-A128
Marquise Damask Mole/Pewter
Mulberry Home

2160 NOK

Picture of Snow Tree - 07949/10 Picture of Snow Tree - 07949/10
Snow Tree
Colefax and Fowler

929 NOK 1548 NOK

Picture of Bellflower - 07127/05
Colefax and Fowler

929 NOK 1548 NOK

Picture of Best in Show - W5872-01 Picture of Best in Show - W5872-01
Best in Show
Osborne & Little

1543 NOK

Picture of Swan Lake - NCW4020-01
Swan Lake
Nina Campbell

904 NOK 1507 NOK

Picture of Windrush Aubergine/Wine - WM8553/3 Picture of Windrush Aubergine/Wine - WM8553/3
Windrush Aubergine/Wine
William Morris

1458 NOK

Picture of Windrush Gold/Thyme - WM8553/2 Picture of Windrush Gold/Thyme - WM8553/2
Windrush Gold/Thyme
William Morris

1458 NOK

Picture of Windrush Dark Red Brick - WM8553/1 Picture of Windrush Dark Red Brick - WM8553/1
Windrush Dark Red Brick
William Morris

1458 NOK

Picture of Willow Buff - 210385 Picture of Willow Buff - 210385
Willow Buff
William Morris

1521 NOK

Picture of Willow Camomile - 210384 Picture of Willow Camomile - 210384
Willow Camomile
William Morris

1129 NOK

Picture of Willow Olive - 210383 Picture of Willow Olive - 210383
Willow Olive
William Morris

1149 NOK

Picture of Willow Slate - 210382 Picture of Willow Slate - 210382
Willow Slate
William Morris

1169 NOK

Picture of Willow Russet - 210381 Picture of Willow Russet - 210381
Willow Russet
William Morris

1098 NOK

Picture of Willow Bullrush - 210380 Picture of Willow Bullrush - 210380
Willow Bullrush
William Morris

1098 NOK

Picture of Tulip & Willow Neutral - WM8554/5 Picture of Tulip & Willow Neutral - WM8554/5
Tulip & Willow Neutral
William Morris

1521 NOK

Picture of Trellis Vanilla/Plaster - DMORTR101 Picture of Trellis Vanilla/Plaster - DMORTR101
Trellis Vanilla/Plaster
William Morris

2101 NOK

Picture of Thistle Eggshell/Ivory - DMOWTH105 Picture of Thistle Eggshell/Ivory - DMOWTH105
Thistle Eggshell/Ivory
William Morris

1289 NOK

Picture of Thistle Dove/Gold - DMOWTH104 Picture of Thistle Dove/Gold - DMOWTH104
Thistle Dove/Gold
William Morris

1521 NOK

Picture of Thistle Mulberry/Linen - DMOWTH101 Picture of Thistle Mulberry/Linen - DMOWTH101
Thistle Mulberry/Linen
William Morris

1149 NOK

Picture of Thistle Gold - WM8608/3
Thistle Gold
William Morris

1149 NOK

Picture of Thistle Ivory - WM8608/1
Thistle Ivory
William Morris

1521 NOK

Picture of Sunflower Etch Parchment/Gold - DMORSU105 Picture of Sunflower Etch Parchment/Gold - DMORSU105
Sunflower Etch Parchment/Gold
William Morris

1666 NOK

Picture of Sunflower Etch Church Red/Biscuit - DMORSU101 Picture of Sunflower Etch Church Red/Biscuit - DMORSU101
Sunflower Etch Church Red/Biscuit
William Morris

833 NOK

Picture of Strawberry Thief  Chocolate/Slate - 212565 Picture of Strawberry Thief  Chocolate/Slate - 212565

1291 NOK

Picture of Strawberry Thief  Indigo/Mineral - 212564 Picture of Strawberry Thief  Indigo/Mineral - 212564
Strawberry Thief Indigo/Mineral
William Morris

1299 NOK

Picture of Strawberry Thief  Crimson/Slate - 212563 Picture of Strawberry Thief  Crimson/Slate - 212563
Strawberry Thief Crimson/Slate
William Morris

1349 NOK

Picture of Scroll Thyme/Pear - 210365 Picture of Scroll Thyme/Pear - 210365
Scroll Thyme/Pear
William Morris

1299 NOK

Picture of Scroll Light Brick/Buff - 210364 Picture of Scroll Light Brick/Buff - 210364
Scroll Light Brick/Buff
William Morris

1249 NOK

Picture of Scroll Vellum/Biscuit - 210363 Picture of Scroll Vellum/Biscuit - 210363
Scroll Vellum/Biscuit
William Morris

1666 NOK