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Skap en kul illustrasjon på veggene ved hjelp av en tapet med graffiti. Gjør rommet mer personlig, gi det karakter og nyt favorittfargene dine. Hos oss finner du mengder av tapeter med graffiti. Det kan gjøre ethvert rom skikkelig kult.

Hvor passer tapeter med graffiti?

Tapeter med graffiti kan live opp et hvilket som helst rom med sterke farger og mønstre. Tapet med graffiti er vanlig på ungdomsrommet, der de bidrar til å skape et sterkt uttrykk. Selvsagt passer en tapet med graffiti til flere rom i hjemmet. Så lenge du er ute etter mye farge, mønstre og vil ha en moderne tapet er dette et godt alternativ for deg. Gjør baderommet ekstra stilig eller skap en stue som virkelig synes. Det er bare du som setter grenser.

Bestill din tapet med graffiti

Hos oss kan du finne mengder av ulike tapeter med graffiti, slik at du skal kunne finne din favoritt. Velg blant ulike fargekombinasjoner, mønstre og uttrykk, og skap ditt drømmerom med tapet med graffiti. Behøver du veiledning eller hjelp til å velge tapet, kan du kontakte oss. Vi hjelper deg gjerne med å skape drømmehjemmet ditt.

Picture of Strati Concrete - ALL802
Strati Concrete

288 NOK 719 NOK

Picture of Stratus beige - 65863 Picture of Stratus beige - 65863
Stratus beige
Holden Decor

749 NOK

Picture of Stratus blue - 65860 Picture of Stratus blue - 65860
Stratus blue
Holden Decor

849 NOK

Picture of Stratus navy - 65861 Picture of Stratus navy - 65861
Stratus navy
Holden Decor

849 NOK

Picture of Stratus pink - 65862 Picture of Stratus pink - 65862
Stratus pink
Holden Decor

849 NOK

Strawberry Thief Charcoal - 124230 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Charcoal - 124230 wallpaper Graham & Brown
Strawberry Thief Charcoal
Graham & Brown

1099 NOK

Strawberry Thief Deep Blue - 124231 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Deep Blue - 124231 wallpaper Graham & Brown
Strawberry Thief Deep Blue
Graham & Brown

1099 NOK

Strawberry Thief Fibrous Burgundy - 124235 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Fibrous Burgundy - 124235 wallpaper Graham & Brown

1099 NOK

Strawberry Thief Fibrous Charcoal - 124236 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Fibrous Charcoal - 124236 wallpaper Graham & Brown

1099 NOK

Strawberry Thief Fibrous Neutral - 124238 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Fibrous Neutral - 124238 wallpaper Graham & Brown

1099 NOK

Strawberry Thief Fibrous Sage - 124237 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Fibrous Sage - 124237 wallpaper Graham & Brown
Strawberry Thief Fibrous Sage
Graham & Brown

1099 NOK

Strawberry Thief Green Fixed Size Mural - 125310 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Green Fixed Size Mural - 125310 wallpaper Graham & Brown

3999 NOK

Strawberry Thief Navy Fixed Size Mural - 125292 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Navy Fixed Size Mural - 125292 wallpaper Graham & Brown

3999 NOK

Strawberry Thief Plum - 124229 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Plum - 124229 wallpaper Graham & Brown
Strawberry Thief Plum
Graham & Brown

1099 NOK

Strawberry Thief Plum Fixed Size Mural - 125301 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Plum Fixed Size Mural - 125301 wallpaper Graham & Brown

3999 NOK

Strawberry Thief Sage & Pink - 124233 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Sage & Pink - 124233 wallpaper Graham & Brown
Strawberry Thief Sage & Pink
Graham & Brown

1099 NOK

Strawberry Thief Soft Blue - 124232 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Soft Blue - 124232 wallpaper Graham & Brown
Strawberry Thief Soft Blue
Graham & Brown

1099 NOK

Strawberry Thief Soft Blue Fixed Size Mural - 125319 wallpaper Graham & Brown Strawberry Thief Soft Blue Fixed Size Mural - 125319 wallpaper Graham & Brown

3999 NOK

Picture of Strawberry Trellis - China Blue - BG2600201 Picture of Strawberry Trellis - China Blue - BG2600201
Strawberry Trellis
Barneby Gates
China Blue

1949 NOK

Picture of Strawberry Trellis - Vintage Cream - BG2600202 Picture of Strawberry Trellis - Vintage Cream - BG2600202
Strawberry Trellis
Barneby Gates
Vintage Cream

1949 NOK

Picture of Strawberry field XL - 300442 Picture of Strawberry field XL - 300442
Strawberry field XL

3995 NOK

Picture of Strawberry field XL - 300442DG
Strawberry field XL

7599 NOK

Picture of Strawberry field XL - 300443
Strawberry field XL

3549 NOK

Picture of Strawberry field XL - 300443DG
Strawberry field XL

6399 NOK

Striatus Charcoal/Gilver - W0211/01 wallpaper Clarke & Clarke Striatus Charcoal/Gilver - W0211/01 wallpaper Clarke & Clarke
Striatus Charcoal/Gilver
Clarke & Clarke

1130 NOK

Striatus Midnight - W0211/02 wallpaper Clarke & Clarke Striatus Midnight - W0211/02 wallpaper Clarke & Clarke
Striatus Midnight
Clarke & Clarke

1130 NOK

Striatus Parchment - W0211/03 wallpaper Clarke & Clarke Striatus Parchment - W0211/03 wallpaper Clarke & Clarke
Striatus Parchment
Clarke & Clarke

1130 NOK

Striatus Pebble - W0211/04 wallpaper Clarke & Clarke Striatus Pebble - W0211/04 wallpaper Clarke & Clarke
Striatus Pebble
Clarke & Clarke

1130 NOK

Picture of Strings Black - WP2192
Strings Black

746 NOK

Picture of Strings Celadon - WP2197 Picture of Strings Celadon - WP2197
Strings Celadon

746 NOK

Picture of Strings Denim - WP2198 Picture of Strings Denim - WP2198
Strings Denim

746 NOK

Picture of Strings Grey - WP2196 Picture of Strings Grey - WP2196
Strings Grey

995 NOK

Picture of Strings Natural - WP2194 Picture of Strings Natural - WP2194
Strings Natural

896 NOK

Picture of Strings Natural/Black - WP2193 Picture of Strings Natural/Black - WP2193

799 NOK

Picture of Strings Rose - WP2195 Picture of Strings Rose - WP2195
Strings Rose

799 NOK

Striped Blue - 1031701-01 wallpaper Striped Blue - 1031701-01 wallpaper
Striped Blue

695 NOK